

argh..today's midnight..
i mean 12.00a.m.-3.00a.m.~
i couldn't sleep..coz yesterday before slp gt drank coffee..very active~haha~
my mum and i were went to the living room ~
mum juz walked here walked there~she said that if she "excercise" like this can make her tired ~so can slp lo~
i asked her~can use computer or not~
so ~reading lo..very quiet ..but i can be more focus~
read 名句精华~moral's nilai ~haizz...read until even slp also will remember~
but also good la~reading in the midnight..^^~

then ~went back the room and tried to slp lo~
but i still can't ..so took a pink panther and played~hahaha~
don't noe wat time..i juz slp ..
until this morning~

muscle pain..T_T..
yesterday had a gym at Tapian there..
later go to volleyball training~^^~

