

so happy coz 4.00pm went to the vlb training~
quickly took our things into the corridor~
then..went to stadium and continued our training~
ohya,before start the training,S.M.T(=.=)cried wor..duno why~hope she happy la~^^

after finished the training,we juz back to our class..
and i knew my Sc result..not bad~
still raining ~!
our math's teacher let us went out after the bell rang 2 mins..==..
coz we're too noisy~T_T~(gt meh..)

after 2 mins,teacher let us went out ~
i walked ..till the super corridor..
my uniform started wet!omg..
then walked..no,is 挤来挤去~
reached the end of the corridor~(finding my father)
saw him !quickly started engine..(i didn't wear the raincoat~cool~haha~)

i don't have any"hat chiu!"(=.=..)yeah~!



finally..the exam finished!yeah~!

actually I'm not really happy at all~don't know why~
maybe is because last year UPSR,gt really happy happy and happy's feeling~hahaxD..

and I knew the result of BM and SEJ dy~hehe..
BM ..okay la~^_^~
SEJ ..T_T~(see my face..noe dy la..)
nvm la~




argh..today's midnight..
i mean 12.00a.m.-3.00a.m.~
i couldn't sleep..coz yesterday before slp gt drank coffee..very active~haha~
my mum and i were went to the living room ~
mum juz walked here walked there~she said that if she "excercise" like this can make her tired ~so can slp lo~
i asked her~can use computer or not~
so ~reading lo..very quiet ..but i can be more focus~
read 名句精华~moral's nilai ~haizz...read until even slp also will remember~
but also good la~reading in the midnight..^^~

then ~went back the room and tried to slp lo~
but i still can't ..so took a pink panther and played~hahaha~
don't noe wat time..i juz slp ..
until this morning~

muscle pain..T_T..
yesterday had a gym at Tapian there..
later go to volleyball training~^^~



argh..so tired now..
4.00p.m..went to Union for a volleyball friendly match..until 7.00p.m..
then went to Chung Ling Private ..for volleyball training..by Pei Wen's mum's car..
on the way,we ate something because we were too hungry..hahaXD..
I ate a sandwich..2 "ba gua" bread..P.W. called one..hehe..

when we reached there,the coach still not come yet..
then..Amanda gave me a birthday card,done by herself..very gam dong..
she did it like tat was because she didn't gave me on my birthday..so did it during this holiday..
then again..the coach reached..so started traing lo..
(phew..the coach didn't call me to set..)

until 10p.m. more gua..
training finished..back to home..
and bathed..
okay ..
bye bye~



afternoon,read the Science..
yeah~went to Sum Sun(my primary school) to play the volleyball~greatz~!
my sis went there too..so happy~she always make the funny things and joked..haha~
ohya,i managed serve the ball with over head~many times..yeah~hope can keep like tis la~
2morrow go to PCGHS~training again~volleyball~happy^^~

so now,reading again..


food fair ..

morning,went to skul--PCGHS for the food fair..
so many ppl at there..hot!
went there..bored..nothing to do..my coupon still left RM6~hahaXD..
don't know want buy what at there..just bought a glass of orange juice,a bottle of mineral water(ice)..
tat's all..

then,me and my friend ---Elise,juz walk and walk in the school..
also took photo 2gether~

i know i am ugly..Elise is so pretty ..

then,waiting my mum came and fetch me..
i am so hungry..so ,my mum took me to the McD..haha~ate until..me full up..

then i came back..and done the math's exercises..
so now ..updating blog..^^..

okay..tat's all~



okay,now wanna start study..
but,i am thinking..wanna start from wat subject?
argh!so confusing..
so,let's see wat subject I need to read now..
for BM,i don't know wan start from where..
for BC,still gt many 名句精华 waiting for me..
for BI,(same as BM)..
for MATH,erm..I will consider about it..
for SC,i need to read and remember the apparatus..the step of sciencetific investigations..the..
for KH,the notes..wow..so many..
for PM,need to remember the twelve nilai!
for SEJ,this one is does not matter,I read many times before..

okay..don't blame them dy..
I prefer..
Math la~


exam is coming...

my frens all finish exam dy...can play in the holiday..but me..muz reading whole the holiday..

but nvm!i will try my best!read !read!and read!



brought RM10 to school..but just used RM2 only..
my friends called me to borrowed them $$..
can't buy anything dy..
but i'm not blame my friens la,juz say only la..
nvm one~
By the way,2morrow if daddy giv meRM5,than my friends giv back my money--RM8..yeah~
gt RM13 all..!
can buy more things lo~haha~

k la..very late dy..(for me XD)
gud night ~



haha..now at skul..
actually is for Geografi project la..with ct..
but the computer at here damn "chan"..duno why..so teacher juz help us n help..help until now lo..long time dy lo..still no start yet..haha~but nvm,i wan update my blog now ~haha~^^..

so now...damn boring..ntg to do...ct juz see her facebook..
oh no!later still have computer club..although the computer at there better than here,but i don't wan la!very boring at there..i wan use internet...at there can't ...sad T_T..
but i still need to go..okay bye bye^^~


that feeling.. really great~!

morning,went to market and had my breakfast with my sis and her frenz..
ate cha kuay tiao~haha..
then,went to youthpark for a jog..but my sis n her frenz juz kept take photo..me sit on the swing n swang..
so many things..but juz about nonsense..so let stop talking about it..

we juz swam in the swimming pool..i don't noe how to swim..but tried and tried~
after then,i learned about the basic,and i tried to control my balancing..
finally,i managed to learn it....wow..that's nice~!i like that feeling so much~~!XOXO

next,we walked to Gurney and spent all our afternoon at there...
Also had a lunch at there...that's delicious!wohoo~

Then,we went to G hotel,
and “visited” swimming pool at 3rd floor...
sis's fren juz kept take photo..haha..

A few minutes later,we're waiting for my dad to fetch us..
okay~today journey juz like tis~tata^^

ohya!today i will use English to update my blog is because i saw my sis n cousin use English too..i wish to improve my English,so have an idea like that...
Wish you all will understand my "broken english"~