

You can affect me ,seriously.



I hope I can help them.



ya, we lost d.
we're still need to improve our skills.
my teammates,
you all were tried your best d . i saw it.
don't blame yourself d.
you all are good!best!
we must do better next time ,kay? trust yourself that you can do it.
I trust you all^^

my friends,
thanks a lot when Im sad-ing.
and injured.
I love you!



went QB just now.
with my mum :)
quite funny.
so sampat one my mum~~
she said : this beh pai one hor~if i have $$ i sure buy one~~
me : sampat lar..
fainted =.=..

We went to POPULAR.
I bought 4 books.
the first one is comic,
second one is novel,the title was : 再见 ,小天使 (I bought it because of the "Angel" XD)
third .. something likes wan to encourage ppl~ title: 把嘲笑当激励 , I think I will love it and I wan to help my friends.
fourth--- English essay's book( i didn't have any English essay's book before so I bought it although it's too late for almost one year..)

I saw my sister's message.
she said : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
luckily Im not facing the problem~hehe~

My father was waiting for us a few hours~(at the car park,because he doesn't wan to shop.)
Paiseh TT



Mentos's shoes were gone just now .
Jessica was wearing her shoes =.= then exchanged with mentos.^^
but her shoes gone also ..blur blur.. guru disiplin also came and helped her .
at last..
matter was not resolve.

* be careful when u're giving comment,
if u didn't have any evidence pls don't KE PO.thx!